Integrated Molecular Structure Analysis Laboratory


  • 2021/10/22

    Project Professor Sato introduced research activities in SDGs AICHI EXPO 2021 held at AICHI SKY EXPO.
    Thank you to everyone who visited our booth!

  • 2021/10/1

    Project Professor Sato interviewed the VR technology at Tokyo Campus in Toyota Central R&D Labs.
    Thank you to everyone who cooperated!

  • 2021/9/9-10

    An irregular study session was held hybrid.
    Great thanks to Dr. Kikuchi in Rigaku Corp., and everyone who participated!

  • 2021/8/19

    Project Professor Sato gave an invited lecture in IUCr 2021 held hybrid.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/6/9

    Project Professor Sato gave an invited lecture in Photon Science Seminar of School of Science, University of Hyogo held hybrid.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/4/22-23

    An irregular study session was held hybrid.
    Great thanks to Dr. Kikuchi in Rigaku Corp., and everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/22

    Mr. Suzuki (D3) gave a lecture on extended crystalline sponge method in The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting (2021) held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/21

    Ms. Ebihara (B4) gave a lecture on extended crystalline sponge method in The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting (2021) held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/21

    Mr. Funami (B4) gave a lecture on extended crystalline sponge method in The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting (2021) held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/21

    Ms. Takeuchi (M1) gave a lecture on extended crystalline sponge method in The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting (2021) held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/20

    Ms. Saito (D3) gave a lecture on peptide crystalline sponge method in The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting (2021) held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/20

    Ms. Zong (B4) gave a lecture on peptide crystalline sponge method in The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting (2021) held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/19

    Mr. Yoshida (B4) and Mr. Wada (D2), gave lectures on crystalline sponge method in The 101st CSJ Annual Meeting (2021) held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/11

    Project Professor Sato gave an invited lecture in 29th Lecture of New Battery Open Lab in Kanagawa University held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/3/8

    Joint experiments started with Mr. Takata in Shionogi & Co., Ltd.

  • 2021/3/8

    Project Professor Sato gave an invited lecture in 46th Annual Meeting of the Pesticide Science Society of Japan held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/2/4

    An irregular study session was held online.
    Great thanks to Dr. Mitsuhashi in IMS, Mr. Sakaguchi in Takasago International Corp., Dr. Sato in Rigaku Corp., Ms. Takeda and Mr. Takano in GL Sciences Inc., and everyone who participated!

  • 2021/1/28

    Project Professor Sato gave an invited lecture in CEMS Topical Meeting Online "Excited-State Chemistry of Functional Materials" held online. The presentation was delivered from SPring-8!
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2021/1/15

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Fumoto, Dr. Ueda, and Mr. Takata in Shionogi & Co., Ltd.

  • 2020/12/23

    Joint experiments started with Satou in Kao Corp.

  • 2020/12/15

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Yamano, Mr. H. Sato, and Dr. T. Kikuchi in Rigaku Corp.

  • 2020/12/8

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Sanada, Dr. Yamano, Mr. H. Sato, and Dr. T. Kikuchi in Rigaku Corp.

  • 2020/11/12

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Nagaoka, Dr. Terao, Dr. Inoue, Dr. Aihara, and Mr. Mori in Tosoh Corp. and Sagami Chemical Research Inst.

  • 2020/11/10

    Joint experiments started with Mr. Koseki in Tsumura & Co.

  • 2020/11/4

    Project Professor Sato taught a mock-up lesson in Metropolitan Musashi High School.

  • 2020/11/2

    The management meeting was held online with all the participating companies.

  • 2020/11/1

    Prof. M. Fujita talked about "Concept of Link Lab" in Kashiwanoha Innovation Festival 2020.

  • 2020/11/1

    This lab has made a new start as "Integrated Molecular Structure Analysis Laboratory"!

  • 2020/10/31

    Project Professor Sato gave an invited lecture in Molecular Chirality Asia 2020 held online.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2020/10/29

    Joint experiments started with Mr. Kawakami in Shimadzu Corp.

  • 2020/10/23

    The meeting of 11th technical union was held online with participating companies.

  • 2020/10/22

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Asano and Mr. Koseki in Tsumura & Co.

  • 2020/10/20

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr.Yoshida and Mr. Matsumura in Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

  • 2020/10/19

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Ide, Dr. Terao, Mr. Mori, and Mr. Wada in Tosoh Corp.

  • 2020/10/16, 11/6

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Yaguchi, Mr. Kawaraya, Mr. Sakaguchi, Mr. Yamazaki, and Ms. Minami in Takasago International Corp.

  • 2020/10/15

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Uehara and Mr. Iwai in JT Inc.

  • 2020/10/13

    Project Professor Sato gave a lecture at a public seminar in Center for Research Advancement and Collaboration (C-RAC) of University of the Ryukyus.
    Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • 2020/10/9

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Kajikawa, Ms. Adachi, and Dr. Okuda in Daicel Corp.

  • 2020/10/2

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Tsuboi, Dr. Fukuda, Dr. Kobayashi, and Dr. Lee in Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd.

  • 2020/9/30, 10/12,26

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Hamada in Daikin Industries, LTD.

  • 2020/9/30

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, General manager in open innovation promotion department Mr. Sugisawa in JEOL Ltd.

  • 2020/9/29

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Deuchi, Mr. Ishiguro, Dr. Kadota, and Dr. Taniguchi in Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.

  • 2020/9/28

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Nakajima, Mr. Matsuyama, Ms. Arakawa, Mr. Hayakawa, Mr. Kawakami, and Mr. Furukawa in Shimadzu Corp.

  • 2020/9/25

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Dr. Fumoto, Dr. Tachibana, Dr. Nakata, Mr. Ogawa, and Mr. Fujiu in Shionogi & Co., Ltd.

  • 2020/9/24

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Chairman and CEO Mr. Kurihara, President and COO Mr. Oi, Director Mr. Tazawa, and General manager in open innovation promotion department Mr. Sugisawa in JEOL Ltd.

  • 2020/9/23

    Prof. M. Fujita is now one of the Citation Laureats 2020 (Chemistry) by Clarivate. Congratulations!

  • 2020/9/23

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Koike, Mr. Shiro, and Mr. Satou in Kao Corp.

  • 2020/9/18

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Sanada, Dr. Yamano, Mr. Sato, Dr. Matsumoto, and Dr. Kikuchi in Rigaku Corp.

  • 2020/9/17

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, President and CEO Dr. Ueda, Mr. Maruyama, Mr. Tomita, Mr. Matsuyama, Dr. Nakajima, and Mr. Inoue in Shimadzu Corp.

  • 2020/9/11

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Hamada in Daikin Industries, LTD.

  • 2020/9/9

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Inoue, Mr. Okuda, Mr. Gotoda, and Mr. Yasui in Eisai Co., Ltd.

  • 2020/9/8

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Anai, Mr. Suematsu, Dr. Sasakawa, Dr. Nishikawa, Mr. Ogiso, and Mr. Sugisawa in JEOL Ltd. and JEOL RESONANCE Inc.

  • 2020/9/7

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Tanaka, Mr. Yokoyama, Dr. Chikama, Mr. Matsubara, and Mr. Nagae in Nissan Chemical Corp.

  • 2020/9/7

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, President and CEO Mr. Shimura, Mr. Sanada, and Dr. Ogata in Rigaku Corp.

  • 2020/9/4

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Kajikawa, Ms. Adachi, and Dr. Okuda in Daicel Corp.

  • 2020/9/1

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Tamura, Mr. Sato, Ms. Arai, Mr. Takahashi, Ms. Satou, and Mr. Miyaki in GL Sciences Inc.

  • 2020/8/31

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Matsuura, Dr. Asano, and Mr. Koseki in Tsumura & Co.

  • 2020/8/18

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Yaguchi, Mr. Moriya, Mr. Kawaraya, and Mr. Sakaguchi in Takasago International Corp.

  • 2020/8/17

    Research discussion was held with a participating company. Thank you for joining, Mr. Fukada, Dr. Onda, Mr. Kanno, and Mr. Nasu in mcAnac.

  • 2020/8/7

    The meeting of 10th technical union was held online with participating companies.

  • 2020/7/29

    Research discussion was held with participating companies. Thank you for joining, Dr. Taniguchi in Kirin Holdings, Mr. Sakaguchi in Takasago International Corp, and Mr. Kawabata in Merck KGaA.

  • 2020/5/29

    The meeting of 9th technical union was held online with participating companies.

  • 2020/4/24

    Renewal of the web site for Social Collaboration Laboratory, “ Integrated Molecular Structure Analysis Laboratory”.

  • 2020/4/14

    The management meeting was held online with all the participating companies.


Research subjects

Various technologies will be developed to omit or simplify the crystallization process, which is the bottleneck in X-ray crystal structure analysis.

Research contents

Based on the technology developed in the research subjects, new research methods and approaches will be proposed and demonstrated in drug discovery, foods, fragrances, and chemical research.


Through research, we will educate students and foster young researchers.



Project Professor

Takahiro NAKAMA

Project Assistant Professor



Masaharu Oshima



Eisai Co., Ltd.
Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Kao Corp.
Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.
GL Sciences Inc.
Shionogi & Co., Ltd.
Shimadzu Corp.
Daikin Industries, LTD.
Daicel Corp.
Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd.
Takasago International Corp.
Tsumura & Co.
Tosoh Corp.
Nissan Chemical Corp.
Japan Tobacco Inc.
Mitsui Chemical Analysis & Consulting Service, Inc. (mcAnac)
Rigaku Corp.
Merck KGaA

Activities of participating companies related to Integrated Molecular Structure Analysis Laboratory

• Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.: Dr. Yoshimasa Taniguchi resided in the lab. and worked together for two years.

• mcAnac: Mr. Norihiro Nasu resided in the lab. and worked together for two years, and the technology was transfered.
A wide range of samples from industry & academia is accepted in contracted service of "Structural analysis of compounds using crystalline sponge method".

• Rigaku Corp.: Dr. Takashi Kikuchi resided in the lab. and worked together for two years, and the technology was transfered.
A wide range of samples from industry & academia is accepted in contracted service of Structural analysis of compounds using crystalline sponge method.

• Rigaku Corp.:
The next-generation structural analysis utilizing single crystal X-ray diffraction such as crystalline sponge method is introduced in "Experience the future now!".


Under Construction